Our Ministries
The purpose of ministry is (1) to bring people to saving faith in Christ and then assist them to grow in Christ-likeness; and (2) to bring every believer into a vital, authentic relationship with God through the grace of Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit, such that every believer glorifies God in thought, word, and deed both in the church and in the world with the ultimate goal of presenting every one complete in Christ (Col. 1:28).

Preaching built upon Bible principles from God's word; equipping and challenging every young person to live for Christ in their everyday life and to grow both socially and spiritually. Scripture memory provides teenagers with the knowledge to apply God's word to their life and a witnessing opportunity.

Time and Talent Survey
Complete this survey once for members 13 years and older. NO personal information is needed in submitting this survey. Please indicate any area of ministry in which you are interested or involved in. Click survey icon to take survey.
The Bible is full of amazing stories about people who did great things for God - some were incredibly brave and strong, like Samson. Others were quiet and gentle, like Daniel and Ruth. The one thing they all had in common was that they loved the Lord with all their heart and dared to do big things for Him. Our Children's Ministry takes kids on a journey through the Bible with stories of heroes who had all kinds of adventures.
From each lesson kids will learn valuable life lessons to apply to their own lives, and so become passionate for God!

(Jesus, Others, You) Adult Ministry. A group for single, widowed, married couples, anyone out of high school, 18 years old and older. Our goal is to love God and follow His will for our lives. We enjoy fellowship time together, building friendships, as well as serving others.

USA Disaster Relief Efforts
Operation Rewnewed Hope focuses on working with churches from around the USA to prepare and assist in natural disaster reilef efforts.